NZGAJC AGM - 12:30, Thursday 9 November

Posted: 05-Nov-2023

One of the Guild's key objectives is to have agriculture recognised for the major role it plays in New Zealand's export-oriented economy.

For over 60 years, our members have brought this country's innovative and sustainable methods of food and fibre production for domestic and export markets to the attention of urban and rural New Zealanders alike. Within the Guild there is expertise in everything from animal behaviour to wine.

Join our AGM to hear what the NZGAJC has been up in the past year and plan for the future. 

The New Zealand Guild of Agricultural Journalists and Communicators - AGM,

Time and date: 12:30 Thursday 9 November

Online via Zoom: 

Download the papers for the AGM here2023 AGM NZGAJC - Papers

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